Sun Jul 19 - 2015 - After watching Uber car and Lyfte drivers high, pulling U-Turns at Duboce, 14th, 15th & Valencia Street all night, and then seeing a jerk drive his Bright Blue BMW Convertible From 16th Street onto Rondel Alley at highly excessive Speeds, we decided to write up some thoughts about these hazards and update it with statistics and maps later -- to show you where it's dangerous.
That is the alley that locals see kids doing 'Navaho' hands held high, intersection where's it extremely dangerous.
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Children Safety Hazard-16th & Rondel Place- | Mission District |
Many unsafe drivers, including city workers, grubhub, feds, parking enforcement, uber, lyft and newcomers Park in the Red Tow Away Fire Zone at that intersection and the one across from it, in front of Pancho Villas, making it impossible for any drivers, bikers, pedestrians, disabled, elderly or children to navigate safely, due to obstructed lines of site.
Plus, with lax enforcement and paid off City Leaders, all kinds of drivers have now taken to instantly 'jetting' over the double yellow lines to zip around anyone who's trying to park or who's blocking the lane(s).
So, folks are speeding up trying to corner around a blind spot, into Rondel Alley, around illegaly parked cars in the Red Zones on 16th Street, in that 3000 Block.
Plus, government workers, parking enforcement, newcomers and delivery drivers FLY in and out in a hurry, and park ILLEGALLY half on sidewalk, half in street, causing more hazards for the High Pedestrian and Family Traffic area that lives at the end of Rondel Alley, plus endangers the staff of Pancho Villa's Restaurant, who have to use side doors to move stock from place to place, down the alley.
Also, mix in the Drunk Driving and Walking Customers of Bond Bar who also park illegally in the alley, creates lots of hazards for us all.
US Cities Standing Up To Uber --
Oh, pay attention to Uber's Support of Urban Shield Weapons and Militarized Training and Sales (to your local cops, often for personal carry on the job, not issued by LEA departments...) coming to Oakland in September and Uber's Participation on the Board of Homeland Security.
And note their background checks are done by ex-cia whoevers from FLORIDA'S (BUSH'S) DBT Technologies (NCIC type records on you all) aka ChoicePoint, IntelliPoint (they used names of Texas Felons who sounded 'black' in Florida & Likely Ohio voting records -- 110,000 Voters minimum, denied right to vote based on fraud lists; and brought us Sale of Mexican Voting Records to PAN Party, hackers discovered night of Mexican Presidential Elections 2006 on PAN Party Servers with FBI Tracks all over them) aka Uber and other major chains vis a Accurate Background Checks, Inc.