Are you sick and tired of Election Fraud caused by For Profit Voting Machines that have been known to be rigged for fraud ?
For the past year or so, we've been researching the prospects of having all Voters Hand Write In All Candidate Names (whether its printed on the ballot -- indicating fees paid to Elections Board to Have Name Printed) including those who are STILL ELIGIBLE TO RUN & WIN.
Even if their names are not on 'officially registered' on 'published' candidate Indexes at your lcoal Elections Office; they are in the running.
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The Atlantic - Running As A Write-In: As Hard As It Seems ? |
Yet, the mass media act like only those 'officially registered' exist (like in San Francisco's Case only about 5 are 'marked' and printed on official Election Records- yet,, there's another 10 or 15 Candidates for Mayor, still on file as registered but not on 'published list') but in reality, they are still in the race.
The sad fact is, more folks are still running whom the media and elite want you to ignore. It's cheaper for them if you ignore them than it is to demonize them, but they'll do that if they have to, to put opinions in your head you aren't making based on meeting the folks in question. Listen to yourself, not mass media.
The Good Fact is that any one of the Five or so names 'published' OR any of the other 10 or 15 'registered but not published' Candidates are ALL in the running.
And they ALL have lots of issues to bring out and plans to share and they have lots of supporters.
Facts you won't find in The Chronicle, Examiner or get from the Elections office site or staff.
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Has A Write In Candidate Ever Won An Election ? |
You have to be around, look around and get to know all the people in your town running for office.
Seek them out because the folks with megabucks and those who control your local media do not want you to know that viable candidates that are honest and trustworthy DO EXIST and are running for office in your town and here in San Francisco.
Don't be fooled or told 'how the election's going to be' by talking heads and pawns of the elite. MAKE YOUR ELECTION HAPPEN FOR YOUR SELF AND YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY'S BEST INTERESTS.
As you learn history of 'Write-In's" and their importance in elections you will realize that as you get to now the locals in San Francisco and your town, running for Mayor or local councils or state and federal seats; that all voices must be heard and all candidates made available for public dialogue.
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The Straight Dope Since 1973 - Elections Forum |
We must do this in order for us to choose a new path away from the usual old greedy elite and out of town pawns sent into our communities to distort election choices, hide all viable candidates who don't have megabucks.
Their goals are to take control over your elections by all manner of deception and fraud. Including the use of Electronic Voting Machines (aka Diebold Machines).
We advocate every voter taking it upon themselves to stop the expensive and corrupted use of machines like Diebolds' famous for being rigged in the 2000 and 2004 elections and many others.
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The Fix - Tortured History of Write In Candidates |
All you have to do is HAND WRITE IN ALL CANDIDATE NAMES on your ballots, no matter if their names are pre-printed on them with a check box or not.
If Many Voters HAND WRITE and more and more hand write each election, then real humans will be paid in your local community to hand count the ballots.
This keeps cash in your community, as the election machines will no longer being needed or wanted which give your lcoal community more cash flow that's not going to a major election machine corporation that can't be trusted, ever again.
Here's some links to the HIstory of Write In Elections, so you can see how real people get elected - that don't have power over the media or megabucks to spend:
1. Bing Search - Results for: "history of write in" california -
2. The Atlantic - Running as a Write-In: As Hard as It Sounds? -
3. The Straight Dope -
4. The Washington Post - The tortured history of write-in candidates
By Aaron Blake -
5. Wikipedia Excerpt:
Write-in candidate From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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A write-in candidate is a candidate in an election whose name does not appear on the ballot, but for whom voters may vote nonetheless by writing in the person's name.
The system is almost totally confined to elections in the United States. Some U.S. states
and local jurisdictions allow a voter to affix a sticker with a
write-in candidate's name on it to the ballot in lieu of actually
writing in the candidate's name.
Write-in candidacies are sometimes a
result of a candidate being legally or procedurally ineligible to run
under his or her own name or party; ..... SEE MORE ON WIKIPEDIA
Remember that if you like other candidates and form voting blocks to support the best 3 Write In Candidates or Others you trust, then Write Their Names onto your Voting Ballots, On Election Day (don't vote early -- some candidate finance info doesn't come out until 3 days before election day. Vote early means uninformed vote) and they may win.
But, all locals working for human rights and justice for all MUST WORK TOGETHER to FORM ALLIANCE TO PUSH WRITE IN CANDIDATES INTO OFFICE.
We have Rank Choice Voting, so, we must be organized and debate and study ALL CANDIDATES and then we must all pick the best 3 Candidates we trust and VOTE TOGETHER.
More on this topic another day ! Cheers!
Moderators-1% Change Makers in San Francisco
Doing Something to Reduce Harm, Save Lives or Improve Our Community Every Day
P.S. When you decide personally or as a group to support any candidate you choose, then the fact can be what you make it to be.
That any one of them and could win if The People wake up and understand facts as they are, not as government agencies or the media presents them. Don't let media or elite tell you how it's gonna be. BASTA THAT!
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